Category: Uncategorized
Upcoming New Book
Here is a preview and back cover blurb from my new book. Alaska’s Inside Passage Cruise: The Adventures of Alaska, Alaska Invitation, and Grandparents’ Camp. Readers will embark on an unforgettable journey with “Alaska’s Inside Passage Cruise,” a delightful children’s book that brings to life the enchanting beauty and rich culture of Alaska! Through the…
Friend is a simple word, but the friends we make are often a profound influence in our lives. To me, good friends are a gift. My old neighborhood friends especially lure me back home from time to time. Jayne, Bev, and Carol Ann are friends of my heart, and I love reconnecting with them. Best…
Finding My Writing Niche
How did Pat find a new career in retirement? Honestly, it found her. Writing, that is. For middle-grade readers, no less. Pat’s Sailing the High Seas series came out in May 2024. Book 1: Searching for Dad, Lost at Sea is set in 1780. Book 2: Rendezvous with Grandmother: A Pirate Queen is set in…
North Side Branch Library
When I was nine, we moved back to Mishawaka after living two years in South Bend. As soon as Mom gave permission, my brothers flew out the door to freedom and to seek out neighbor boys. Not me. I was too shy to meet anyone. “Where’s the library,” I asked Mom. That’s where my friends…
Unique Traits of Lifelong Readers
Brad Roberts created a list titled, “People Who Grew Up Reading a Lot UsuallyHave These 16 Unique Traits.” Let’s see how this bookworm fits a few of the traits… They have a vibrant vocabulary: I’ve always loved words, but they come easiest to me in writing. A sparking conversationalist I am not. Dang. They’re excellent…
In the sixth grade, I received a diary as a Christmas gift. New diaries replaced the old until they filled a black metal book rack. On a hot day, my sister and I rearranged the bedroom to get more air since we had no fan, let alone air conditioning. I temporarily set the book rack…
An Essay About Grandma
During summer school we had to write an essay of our choice. Groan. It’s easier if the teacher assigns a topic. What to write without sounding foolish or ignorant? I didn’t know much aboutworld affairs. Our dinner conversations were mundane stuff like, “How was your day?” We lived across the street from the fire station.…
Chickens? Ugh!
I am terrified of chickens. Grandma Eller had a solution for my fear. “We’re going to collect the eggs.” Worst idea ever. These are the same chickens that gather around me in the barn yard, fussingand scratching. Scaring this poor little six-year-old girl out of her wits, they go, “Cluck, cluck, cluck!” And Mom wonders…
Kindness in Children
Do you know what warms my heart? Kindness in children. Witnessing their kind acts stays with me forever. Back in the day, tetherball was a popular game on the playground. The boysliked to slam the ball hard so no one else could hit it. The kids with disabilities had no chance in this game. Until…
My Friend, Jan
This is a hard blog to write. My best friend, Jan, died. In March, we met at the park for a visit. Hugging, I was shocked at how frail Jan felt. Weak, she slowly walked a few feet to the picnic table. We sat and she chatted with Ken about the Iowa/Nebraska women’schampionship basketball game.…
Sailing on a Tall Mast Ship
Alexander Kent’s sailing stories piqued my interest in the Age of Sail. At Sydney Harbor, Ken and I ventured on a two-hour sail on a tall mast ship around the harbor. The wood ship was fascinating and intimidating at the same time. You know the ratlines, those rope steps? Let me tell you, those steps…
Middle Grade Book Recommendations
I don’t know about you, but if a character captures my heart or intrigues me, I don’t want the book to end. That’s why I like to read series. If I can’t find a new series, then I look for themes such as World War II novels with heroines which are my latest craze. I…
Goodbye, Traveler
Losing a pet is hard. Our dog, Traveler, died over a year ago. I miss him every day. How many times did I pet Traveler, murmuring, “You’re a good dog, yes, you are.” Traveler will always be with us, not only in our hearts, but also as a character in my Sailing the High Seas…
Sea Shanties
Let’s talk about sea shanties for a moment. Sea shanties with their energetic call-and-response rhythm helped sailors work as a team. Now, not to typecast sailors, but being men in a men’s society during the Age of Sail, naturally their songs tended to be on the bawdy side. I tell ye true, Moi had trouble…
Why Deaf Education?
It’s no mystery why I chose Deaf Education as a course of study in college.Perhaps it was more that this curriculum chose me. The reason? At a young age it was discovered that I had severe hearing loss in both ears. No wonder the world was such a confusing place! Wearing a hearing aid with…
Defining Moment
Kindergarten was a shock. School mystified me. Noise, rows of children in thehallways, bright lights, expectations… I had no idea what to do. My solution? I copied the other children: lining up with them, following them outside for recess, coloring the pages, looking at books, now that I liked. The teacher puzzled me. Her lips…
An Introduction
My name is Pat Gantz, and I am a new author starting the business, Stories byPat. It is my pleasure to introduce you to my new books for ages 9 – 12 which are coming soon. The Sailing the High Seas series, set in the 1780’s, is full of adventures andheart-warming moments. Sassy Blair Reagh…
Alaska Books
If you haven’t guessed by now, I love books. One of my happy moments iswalking out of a new (to me) bookstore or museum gift shop with an armful of books. Ken, my husband, is happy to finally drag me out of there. My favorite bookstore in Anchorage is Tidal Wave. They stock more than…
Oh, the Irony
In kindergarten, I was diagnosed with severe hearing loss. Soon after, I was fitted with a hearing aid for my right ear. A condition for me staying in public school was that I become a client at the South Bend Speech and Hearing Clinic. From ages 5-7, I enjoyed private lessons with Miss Berger. I…
Launching a Career
Becoming a storyteller was an act of desperation. It started when I was fifteen, babysitting the neighbor kids. The first time his mother drove off in the car, three-year-old Roger ran down the sidewalk, crying, “Mommy! Mommy!” Feeling like an idiot, I took off, chasing the chubby little guy. Across the street, neighbor boys sat…
Pen Pals
I’m guessing that only a few kids today know what a pen pal is. After all, howmany kids do you know who write letters and even then, probably under duress. Or, when’s the last time you received a letter let alone a thank you note? Text messages seem to fit today’s generation’s short attention spans.…