Do you know what warms my heart? Kindness in children. Witnessing their kind acts stays with me forever.
Back in the day, tetherball was a popular game on the playground. The boys
liked to slam the ball hard so no one else could hit it. The kids with disabilities had no chance in this game. Until one day, I saw my neighbor, Thaddeus, gently swing the tetherball around so one of those special boys could strike the ball. The others realized what Thaddeus was doing and made no attempt to hit the ball. Everyone watched as this special boy connected with the ball and laughed with joy. It was a sweet act of kindness.
Once, the resource kids were playing basketball on the playground when Ava
walked up and asked, “Can I play with you?” Their eyes widened. She wanted to play with them? Really? Normally, everyone left the resource kids alone. Ava’s was one of those unsung acts of kindness on the playground.
What pleases me about my young grandsons is when people say they are kind boys. It is a good trait for a grandmother to hear.
Kindness; simple, yet powerful.
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