Brad Roberts created a list titled, “People Who Grew Up Reading a Lot Usually
Have These 16 Unique Traits.” Let’s see how this bookworm fits a few of the traits…
They have a vibrant vocabulary: I’ve always loved words, but they come easiest to me in writing. A sparking conversationalist I am not. Dang.
They’re excellent storytellers: Widen my eyes, toss in a wee bit of drama, and my story is off and running. On the playground, kindergarteners would shout, “Here comes the Story Lady!” For the middle graders my favorite tale is, “The Debate in Sign Language.” They like it, too.
They’re less likely to judge others based on appearances: Act like a decent human being is my criteria, not looks.
They have a rich inner world: You bet your boots! Honey was my imaginary friend until age seven when I discovered the world of books. These days, I daydream while walking on the treadmill. Whether I’m at sea, in the mountains, or creating scenes for my current book, the gym recedes in my awareness.
They crave quiet time to recharge: Just click off my hearing aids and presto! Instant silence. My shoulders lose their tightness and my mind relaxes. It’s an advantage for blocking out the dentist’s drill, too.
They have a thirst for knowledge: On certain topics like travel, books, history, and writing, yes. Novel-wise, I’m on a World War II kick. I also did a lot of research for my Age of Sail stories for middle graders. Talk about page turners!
They have a healthy skepticism: Seriously? Oh, really? Yeah, right. And my favorite, “How do you know?” Not to challenge the speaker or anything…
They’re lifelong learners. Adult education classes in writing, Hebrew religion, tap dance, Zumba, storytelling, computers, and travel to name a few. Camping in national parks was a rich source of information and experiences. Last, but not least, volunteering at Living History Farms in Des Moines and community theater in Urbandale was a blast!
They understand the power of a well-placed quote. On my website is a simple quote that suits my Age of Sail stories, “A sailor is not defined by how many seas he has sailed but how many storms overcome.” Profound, no?
Read Brad’s article and see if any of the traits he mentions apply to you.
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